About Motheo Construction Group
The Motheo Construction Group was established in 1997 by Dr Thandi Ndlovu. Motheo has during its 18 year history developed into one of South Africa's leading, predominantly black female - owned construction companies. Motheo is a leading provider of Social Housing in the country.
The company has grown organically by re-investing its earnings to fund the company's growth.
One of Motheo's key focus areas is the development of young talent and today boasts six Black female shareholders who hold in excess of 52% of the company's shares - Truly Empowered.
The company is currently registered with the CIDB as level 9 GBPE and 9 CEPE. Motheo has been registered with the NHBRC since its inception and remains in Good Standing. Through Dr Ndlovu's involvement, Motheo is a foundermemberand leading role player in SAWIC (South African Women In Construction).
What we do
The core of Motheo's business remains housing and more specifically Social Housing. Approximately 60% of our annual turnover is in Social Housing.
We have extensive experience in all areas of Social Housing such as:
• Essential Services
• Rapid Land Release Programs
• In situ Upgrades
• Peoples Housing Projects
• Project Based (RDP Type) Housing
• Community Residential Units (CRU's)
• Slums Clearance and Rental Housing (Institutional Housing)
• Mine Hostel upgrades
The latest "count", as at January 2015, is that Motheo has to date completed in excess of 80 000 Units in the Social Housing Sectors described above.
Whilst difficult to accurately compute we estimate that Motheo has delivered approximately 2% of all the Social Housing developed and/or constructed in South Africa since 1994. - Truly Empowered
The total value of projects undertaken and completed to date is in excess of R 5,5bn.