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"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength."

Central to the way that Motheo does business is the development and empowerment of our staff and associated Suppliers and Subcontractors (SMME's) consistent with our mantra of "TRULY EMPOWERED."

Internally we have established a Staff Trust, which was allocated a percentage of Motheo's shares, debt free. The dividend income from these shares, and more, is dedicated/focused on the fast track development of the trust's beneficiaries.

The success of this initiative can be measured in the achievements of the 20 trust beneficiaries who have progressed from newly qualified, in-experienced individuals to meaningful members of the Motheo Team, today managing projects and/or departments within Motheo - TRULY EMPOWERED.

A further measure of that success is that five of the trust beneficiaries have over the past years acquired a share holding in Motheo and now collectively hold 10,5% of the issued share capital of the business. TRULY EMPOWERED. This offers a real sense of ownership and significant real wealth creation. This process will be on-going in the years to come to both reward and incentivise deserving individuals.

The success of our Staff Trust has been a function of training generally provided by external professional service providers. The formal training is then supported by creating a mentorship structure within Motheo with experienced practitioners supporting the newer entrants.

In terms of working with SMME's, Motheo has a proven track record as recognised in a number of industry awards in the development of small and medium enterprises. The support offered to empower these businesses can take various forms.

Dr. Thandi. Annapurna Base Camp. Nepal. 2014.

In Celebration of our 20 Years Anniversary - our much anticipated book comes out December 2017
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