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Lindiwe Hans is one of Motheo’s Project Managers based in the Eastern Cape. She shares her thoughts about working with Motheo.

When Lindiwe Hans joined Motheo in 2007, she was hopeful and expectant. She was hoping to be able to build a solid career. She started off as the person who runs the storeroom at the Motheo office in the Eastern Cape. 11 years later, she feels that she has gained a lot more than she had initially hoped for. “I'm happy with the way Motheo operates and with the way the founders and directors treat me and the way they treat the rest of their staff,” Lindiwe says. During her tenure at Motheo, Lindiwe has not only learnt the ins and outs of the business but she has acquired other skills. She has moved up the company ladder; getting promoted to an admin officer and eventually a project manager. “The biggest lesson learned while working for Motheo Construction Group is that self-motivation and hard work are key elements to success. Motheo is different from many other companies because hard work and dedication are rewarded. There is a room to grow within the company. Our directors are also always willing to help where they can. They are always open to listening to staff members when problems arise. They are full of energy and they are hard workers and that makes you as a staff member wish to be like them one day,” she adds. Lindiwe says that the words “quality” and “excellence” have become synonymous with Motheo and that has rubbed off on the team. “I am proud to be a member of Motheo team because Motheo is not just about the business side of things, it is also about good quality. Motheo make sure that their staff members get proper training and also willing to give back to the communities when such requests are made. Motheo does not compromise on quality and thus we are well known for the quality that we provide. We also empower young black women to become great at what they do.” Lindiwe credits Dr Thandi as one of the greatest mentors in her journey up the company ladder. “I am so grateful that she took me under her wing when I first started at this company. Her leadership and example has helped me grow into my potential. I would not be where I am today without Dr Thandi; she showed me how to stand my ground and have the kind of career that I can be proud of.” When we asked Lindiwe what her favourite day at Motheo has been, the answer was an easy one for her. “The day I signed an agreement to receive shares in the company in 2010. It felt like my efforts had been recognised and that I was appreciated.” As Lindiwe’s journey continues, she looks forward to growing more and sharing the knowledge that she already has. “It’s all about making sure you give back; that is the Motheo way.”


Dr. Thandi. Annapurna Base Camp. Nepal. 2014.

In Celebration of our 20 Years Anniversary - our much anticipated book comes out December 2017
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